Author Update #10

Dee Richards
2 min readAug 17, 2021


After 7 months of writing submission rejections, I am happy to say I’ve finally received a new acceptance from Cape Magazine! While the publication is still fairly new and not widely known, I will say that the theme of issue 3 (where my piece will be included) is one of intensely personal importance to me: modern feminism. Check out the issue 3: Unamused, free online HERE!

The issue focuses on aggressive feminist voices, which is why I am so excited to be included! Following a personal attack from Republican Congressmember, Ted Yoho, where the congressman called American hero, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a “fucking bitch”, AOC issued the Twitter response: “Bitches get stuff done,” which is the inspiration for issue 3 of Cape Magazine. These four, simple words ceased the power of the word “bitch”, and harkens to my favorite feminist author and personality, Mona Eltahawy, who states: “Profanity for me is political, not just personal. Profanity is politically important.”

In that regard, being published in an issue designed to elevate feminist voices is a personal triumph. My work, titled “Investment”, is an unexpected form poem using financial terms for the way in which my feminine body has been treated. The ravenous consumption of feminine bodies, the judging of my personal worth based on this one aspect of my self, and the relatability of my experience are all themes of this poem.

The final phrase in this work is: “for consumption, I / Was never for sale”. As I reflect on my own failures over the past few months, I remember through this line that my words are me, and are not being written for money or acclaim. I write because I have to get stuff done. So yes, I am happy to be a part of a small publication standing in opposition to the “patriarchal fuckery” inherent in the publishing world. I am not for consumption — I HOPE that I make them really fucking uncomfortable. I am a proud feminist, and even prouder bitch.



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