Author Update #6

Dee Richards
2 min readJan 13, 2021


So, this has been an exciting week for me, with a lot of really great news:

First, I have finally achieved a personal goal of getting on Grossmont’s President’s List, for academic achievement. My 4.0 GPA in Fall 2020 granted me this spot, and I am thrilled to be on the list! This puts my overall GPA at 3.972, which will help me when I transfer. Due to my exceptionally hard work, and some encouragement from a friend, I have decided to apply for the Honors curriculum at Univeristy of California, Irvine. Though I am still waiting on my acceptance from UCI, and let me tell you that the 5 months I have to wait to get it from the time I applied is hell, I would like the additional challenge of the Honors program so that I may fulfill a few personal goals yet again.

Second, this week has given me my THIRD publication acceptance from The Daily Drunk magazine, for a flash (semi-) fiction I wrote as a prompt in my Short Fiction Writing II course in Fall 2020. The piece is titled: “The Day After Christmas”, and is available at The Daily Drunk Magazine. Read it here now! This work is a fast, darkly humorous take on how overwhelming and emotional the holidays can be, and is more akin to creative non-fiction, with fictionalized minor details. Overall, the piece is true for an experience I had about 12 years ago. I hope my readers enjoy it, and I will be updating again soon.

Thanks for reading,

Dee Richards



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