How State Laws Affect MFA Applications, a Grad Student Perspective

Dee Richards
7 min readOct 26, 2023

It was the University of South Dakota, forwarded by the person I look to for grad program advice from UCI. Thanks, but I will not be applying. Honestly, I would much prefer not to have an MFA. Getting an MFA is my single most important focus in my life, so I don’t mean I don’t want one. I feel I need to be in a writing program, and hope that one of the nine places I’m applying to see my worth. But, University of South Dakota will not be one. Why? I shouldn’t be picky, right? Wrong.

South Dakota, as a state, has a complete abortion ban with very limited exceptions. Even if those exceptions are met, the person is forced to wait 72 hours to do the actual procedure. The only reason I can think of for this delay is to force you to consider other options — that makes zero sense. If the ban is complete except the most likely of circumstances: rape, incest, or life of the parent, then why ask them to consider other options? What a dystopian nightmare to make people who have been raped think about whether or not they want an abortion! But wait, there’s more.

South Dakota, as a state, bans gender-affirming care for anyone under the age of 18. Let’s say I’m an asshole and don’t care about issues that don’t directly pertain to me (I’m definitely not). I have begun perimenopause, and am in a single partner relationship with a person who is effectively sterilized. I do not have many worries about pregnancy. The issue of pregnancy doesn’t precisely pertain to me. I still care, but we’re…



Dee Richards

Dee is a neurodiverse writer in SoCal with 3 awards in CNF & 13 pubs in many genres. Subjects: feminism, identity theory, media criticism, personal narrative.