I remember when love was new; we drank from the happiness as a waterfall, ever cascading. From freedom and boundless joy, roiled simmering contempt. Volatile emotion. Betrayer of a shared vision, and in it, the peace we found, selling it cheap to monotony. Upon a cracked dam you sit, with stonecutters tools, claiming innocence from blame. I paid you in a currency you can use, but the work is left undone. Promises do not seal this hole.
Where is the a scoop of warm apple crumble, or the sunny days? Where are the chilly evenings where we had everything to say? We can’t wait for the light, we must bring it. I wait and finally, I cannot endure. Your words, etched across the sky you fly alone, read: “Sorry I let you down, I’ll try harder next time.” I take you in my arms, for a moment’s solace, but I still walk the stones, thinking the crack is a waterfall. I remember when love was new.